(LP) Nobro - Live Your Truth Shred Some Gnar

Release Date: 040822
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I spent my whole life running away; I think I like it better that way." Those lyrics form the basis of "Better Each Day," the first single from Nobro's new EP Live Your Truth Shred Some Gnar, seven of the most searing examples of scorched earth rock and roll ever committed to tape by a Canadian band. Call them punk rock if you like, because the Montreal quartet certainly does espouse a philosophy of rejecting societal norms. But if we can now accept that punk was essentially a guy thing, then that's just one more long-held belief the members of Nobro are here to challenge. In fact, bassist/vocalist Kathryn McCaughey founded the band almost as a challenge to herself when the aftermath of a relationship with a prominent Montreal musician made her determined to be "more than just a footnote on this person's Wikipedia page.



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